
Jesus in the Psalms

A devotional journey through Psalm 1-50

Jesus in the Psalms is a delightful devotional book that brings together two life-giving elements of the Scriptures – the Psalms and the person of Jesus Christ. If you have never read the Psalms in light of Jesus then this book will help you to discover the hidden Gospel in the writings of the psalmists. This fact is echoed by many well-known authors, theologians and pastors.

Professor Dion Forster reminds us that “the prayers in the book of Psalms are a beautiful record of human words directed to God. They contain expressions of joy, sorrow, anguish, hope, and faith, but most of all, they are divinely inspired prayers – these prayers are scripture. Since they are inspired by God they are powerful. They record how God would have us pray in the midst of the challenges, pressures, and blessings of our daily lives.”

As inspired prayers, Dietrich Bonhoeffer says that they are “prayers which we pray together with Jesus Christ, in which he accompanies us, and through which he brings us into the presence of God.”

Perhaps the greatest advocate for finding Jesus in the Psalms was the great Reformer Martin Luther. He famously remarked that the Psalms can be received as a “little Bible”, because in the Psalter we will find the entire scope of God’s redemption story and the invitation for us to respond to the good news of God’s immeasurable grace.

As you embark upon this devotional journey may your love for Jesus and the Psalms take on a whole new dimension. God bless you.

Tim Keller – “All the Psalms, read in light of the entire Bible, bring us to Jesus.”

“I am so grateful to Delme for the careful manner in which he leads us into the Psalms as prayers for daily life. As a Pastor and Theologian, he has a particular affinity for both the power of these prayers, and the need that we have for them as we seek to live faithful and fulfilled lives in Christ. I am certain that as you read, reflect, and pray the Psalms in this book, you will encounter God in Christ in new and powerful ways.
Prof. Dion Forster